A picture is worth 1000 words I was looking for some very basic instruction for our daughter to start skimboarding, and she likes to learn on the Kindle. I figured 99 cents for three pages would probably cover run, drop, and “try to keep your balance” with a few pictures on body position. There are no pictures. No photos, no line drawings, nothing. The text is not adequate to provide real instruction. Save your dollar and run a web search. Several of the board manufacturers and skim board sport sites have free…
DB Skimboards Wanderer Deluxe Skimboard Travel Bag Black, Skimboard Carrying Bag for up to Five Boards, with Back Pack Straps, Shoulder Strap & Handles
A picture is worth 1000 words I was looking for some very basic instruction for our daughter to start skimboarding, and she likes to learn on the Kindle. I figured 99 cents for three pages would probably cover run, drop, and “try to keep your balance” with a few pictures on body position. There are no pictures. No photos, no line drawings, nothing. The text is not adequate to provide real instruction. Save your dollar and run a web search. Several of the board manufacturers and skim board sport sites have free…